3v3 Basketball Rules


3 on 3 Basketball is a half-court game played by two teams of three players each, including a maximum of three substitutes.

Games are 18 minute running clock.

First possession is awarded to the home team each game. If there is a doubleheader, each team will have a chance to take first possession.

Steals must be checked to 3 point line above the free throw line.

Offensive rebounds DO NOT need to be checked, the rebounder can shoot or pass without checking the ball.

All defensive rebounds need to be checked above 3 point line at the top of the key.

Field goals: 1 point per field goal, 2 points per 3 point field goal.

No break after scoring, the defensive team inbounds the ball at the top of the key (behind 3 point line).

After each basket, the inbounding team must “check” the ball at the top of the key before passing in.

No free throws.  1 point is awarded for a shooting foul for regular field goal and 2 points is awarded for a 3 point field goal.  The offensive team retains possession on all shooting fouls.  If the basket is made on a shooting foul, the team is awarded a “plus 1” point and change of possession occurs.

All fouls are checked in at the top of the key (3 point line).

Each player has 5 fouls per game

No shot clock

Substitutions may only be made after a whistle has blown for some type of stoppage of play with the acknowledgment of the referee.

Max of 6 players per team

Only players who are listed on a team’s roster form may play. No alternate or pick-up players will be allowed after the first 2 regular season games. It is suggested that all teams include four to six names on their roster to decrease the chances of forfeited games.

Overtime: A tie score after regulation time shall result in 1 offensive possession for each team. Overtime starts with a jump ball at the top of the key.  If the score is still tied after the first possession overtime, the teams continue alternating possessions until a team scores. The first team to score wins after the first overtime, making the jump ball winner important as that will reward the team with the first possession of second overtime and any additional overtimes.

One time out per game (1 minute). No time outs during overtime periods.


If a team is not ready to play within 5 minutes of elapsed time, the team ready to play legally wins by forfeit.

Out of bounds throw ins are played from the top of the key.

Deliberate stalling or attempts to freeze the ball shall result in loss of ball possession. A shot must be attempted within 30 second (official’s judgment). Officials should warn a team 10 seconds before making a stalling call.


The 3 second lane violation is in effect.

High school rules shall be enforced whenever applicable.

Each team member should wear the team jersey or an appropriate shirt color (light or dark) for each game.